All students, staff, and spouses are welcome!
An opportunity to gather together with the Harvest Worker family for food, fellowship, fun, and worship, and recreation.
Friday, February 3 – Sunday, February 5, 2023
The beautiful Dream Catcher and Rain Dancer cabins of Frio River Resorts in Concan, Texas.
The retreat is FREE! Just make your way to Concan to participate.
The Harvest Workers Winter Retreat is FREE! Just make your way to Concan to participate. Check-in starts at 3 on Friday. Supper will be our first scheduled activity at 6:30. We will wrap-up by Noon on Sunday. There will be an opportunity to go golfing for 9 holes at Utopia (famous golf course from 7 Days in Utopia) on Saturday afternoon for a minimal fee. Otherwise, Saturday afternoon is free time to do whatever you’d like. In addition, the LCMC Texas District will host our Annual Winter Retreat at the same location beginning in the afternoon of February 5 and wrapping up by noon on Tuesday, February 7. Eric & Pam Hulstrand will be our guest leaders for the Winter Retreat if you are interested in staying. The cost for this second retreat is $100.To learn more and register for the second retreat, go to www.lcmctexas.org/winter-retreat.
2:00 PM Arrival (Come when you can!)
6:00 PM Supper
7:00 PM Evening Devotion
8:00 PM Fellowship
7:30 AM Breakfast
8:15 AM Opening Devotion
8:30 AM Session 1
9:30 AM Break
9:45 AM Session 2
10:45 AM Break
11:00 AM Session 3
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Free Time/Golf outing
6:00 PM Supper
7:00 PM Evening Devotion
8:00 PM Fellowship
8:15 AM Opening Devotion
8:30 AM Session 1
9:30 AM Break
9:45 AM Session 2
10:45 AM Break
11:00 AM Session 3
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Free Time/Golf outing
6:00 PM Supper
7:00 PM Evening Devotion
8:00 PM Fellowship
7:30 AM Breakfast – Pack-up
9:00 AM Depart for Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Knippa, TX
9:30 AM Worship with Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Knippa, TX
11:00 AM Lunch in Uvalde, TX
9:00 AM Depart for Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Knippa, TX
9:30 AM Worship with Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Knippa, TX
11:00 AM Lunch in Uvalde, TX